Happy Sabbath Pathfinders, We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all of an announcement made at Wednesday nights meeting. If you were not able to attend, than this won't be a reminder but rather the announcement its self. We are so happy that Raffaela Dias and Riley Smith have decided to profess their faith in Jesus by being baptized. Their baptism will be during second service, 11:30 am tomorrow at Azure Hills church. We would like all Pathfinders who can be there to wear your dress uniform (if possible) as a show of support for our two fellow club members. We would ask you to stand along with friends and family when the pastors ask them to stand. If you are able to do this we know it would mean a lot to "Raffe" and Riley as well as their families. We pray that you all have a wonderful Sabbath and hope that you all can join us tomorrow as we worship our Savior and King. Sincerely, Direc...
Where kids can be kids while learning valuable lessons for life.