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Showing posts from September, 2010

Induction Service

Induction Service 2010 Click on picture for Photo Album Dear Pathfinders and Parents, I enjoyed your song during the Induction services (1st and 2nd). I was blessed by our pastors' prayers and by the song. I hope you were, too. I'd like to thank Kim Knowlton who took the time to choose the song and practice the children (both Adventurers and Pathfinders), Alva who assisted Kim with notating the orchestral parts, and Holly Elias who directed the children as they sang. Thank you also to the Adventurer Club and their leaders for including the Pathfinders in the potluck after church. A special thanks to all of you who brought food and to those of you who helped set up and clean up. We also thank Pastor Marlene and Pastor Dante for your prayers and your support. Here is a Youtube link to the performance of the music "Children of the World" by Adventurers and Pathfinders. ( )

We did it!

15-mile hike - Dollar Lake Click on picture for Photo Album Wow! That was amazing! Almost 30 Pathfinders and 20 adults completed the 15-mile hike last Sunday (09/12) to Dollar Lake. For some hikers and their parents it was the first time they were hiking that far and for others it was the first time they were hiking ever. It was tiring but all made back from hiking safe and sound. Check out the pictures by clicking on the image above. Here is a message from director Mike: Dear Pathfinders and Parents, I want to let you know how proud I am of each Pathfinder who came on the hike. It always puts a smile on my face to see you accomplish things that some of you thought might be too difficult (parents included). For the older and faster Pathfinders toward to front, you guys are awesome. To all the parents who came to lend your support, expertise, & vehicles, I am always grateful, without you there this club would not be functioning. I especially want to thank Mark, Paulo, & Barry fo...

Ready for the 15-mile hike?

Hi Pathfinders and Parents, Just a reminder for those coming on the hike to Dollar Lake. Good idea to wear sunscreen, a good pair of comfortable shoes or hiking boots, and layers for your clothing. It will be cool in the morning and gradually get warmer but you may need your layers back on toward the end of the day if you get cold. Bring a day pack to carry any unwanted clothing and maybe some trail snacks to keep your energy up. The leaders will be carrying a small trowel/shovel and wipes if you need those items during the hike or you can bring your own. The following are a MUST haves: Signed permission slip Water for all day ~ 3 Liters Lunch $3.00 per person (help pay for the parking passes for the vehicles and extra water for the hikers once they return from the hike.) By everyone meeting at the church on Sunday we may be able to carpool up to the trailhead and not need to drive too many cars up. I would like to encourage each of you to get to know some of the other Pathfinders duri...

First meeting - Biking Honor

Sept 2010 Meeting Click on the picture for the photo album The Pathfinders' first meeting for the year 2010-2011 had full attendance. A total of 50 Pathfinders were present to learn all about cycling. Instructor Dinger taught them how to properly use a helmet, how to fix a flat tire and much more. Our next meeting will take place on October 6th at the same place and time. Remember that the activities will start at 6pm with games. The game we will learn is called "Hillbilly Golf". Between today and the next meeting we will have a couple of activities that you don't want to miss. Please see below for announcements and details of these activities. For all of you who joined the Club during this first meeting, welcome. If you still didn't filled out the registration form please contact the directors Mike or Ellen Sanbangan as soon as possible. You will need to be officially registered to be able to continue attending the Club activities. Please see the information at p...