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Pathfinder Fair Details

May 21, 2017

8:00 am
  • Be sure all are in CLASS A DRESS UNIFORM and that you are on your way to the Parade line-up area with banner, flags, and float.
8:30 am
  • Check that each Pathfinder is ready for the parade. Give final instructions (eyes right, etc.) for parade.
8:45 am
  • PARADE BEGINS - ready or not!
  • Teens should go to the end of the parade after marching with their club to march with the Teen Coordinators.
  • When you reach the end of the parade route take your guidons and banner to your booth. You will be directed where to park your float. The Pathfinders and staff are to gather at the assembly area. U.S. and Pathfinder flag bearers need to fall in behind their County Banner.
  • Please help the Pathfinders to be quiet and respectful during opening ceremonies.
11:00 am
  • Participate, eat and look.
  • Judging begins - be sure your flags are in your booth. Make sure your Pathfinders are manning the booth 11:00 am to 1:30 pm.
  • Have your Drill Team ready for entry at designated area. Have Drill Down Pathfinders in the proper area ready to participate.
1:40 pm
  • Gather club at assembly area.
1:45 pm
  • Closing Ceremonies. All Pathfinders and staff to attend together. ONLY the Club director or Deputy director is to pick up club awards and or trophies.
Marching In the Parade
Attention to the following detail will help make your club look great!
  1. Keep a distance of about 50 feet between your club and the club in front of you.
  2. All lines and files straight, uniforms complete and looking sharp, eyes straight ahead.
  3. All Pathfinders and staff in step.
  4. Sharp column movements at corners.
  5. Correct reviewing stand procedure, EYES RIGHT, as described on page 23 of the Pathfinder Drill Manual.
EXAMPLE – This movement is used at parades when the Pathfinder club is marching past the reviewing stand. It is executed when the director, without turning their body, commands EYE, RIGHT. The command is given when the Director is six steps from the front the reviewing stand.
When the command RIGHT is given, each Pathfinder, except the right flank, turns head and eyes to the right at an angle of 45-degrees until the command FRONT is given. At the command EYES, RIGHT, the director turns his head and eyes right and renders PRESENT ARMS. The guidon bearers execute PRESENT ARMS. At the command EYES, RIGHT, the Pathfinder Flag is dipped to a 45-degree angle. NEVER dip the National Flag.
Six steps after the club has cleared the reviewing stand, the command READY, FRONT, is given and head and eyes face front.
Parade line up
Clubs will line up within their county according to the order given on the line up sheet. This information will be posted at the registration table on the day of the Fair.
The order within each club will be:
  1. Club banner
  2. Flag Bearers
  3. Director and Pastor
  4. Drill Instructor to the right of guidon bearers
  5. Pathfinders-small clubs may march in columns of two or three abreast rather than four as shown
  6. Staff follow Pathfinders
  7. Float and other entries bring up the rear
B     F     D     x o o o o o o s s
B     F             x o o o o o o s s      Float
B     F             x o o o o o o s s
B     F     P      x o o o o o o s s
B= flag      F=Flag bearers      D=Director      P=Pastor
x=Guidon Bearers      o=Pathfinders      s=Staff      +=drill Instructors
Director’s Inspection
At 8:45 am each director should inspect their club, on the parade assembly area, to be sure that all is ready for the parade to begin.
  1. Are slides secure and scarves straightened?
  2. Are Pathfinder sashes under the epaulet and buttoned? (or use safety pin)
  3. Are flag bearers in proper position?
  4. Do the club banner carriers know where to carry the banner so it will not drag? Do they know how to judge a distance of 50 feet and how to mark time when they get too close to the next float?
  5. Do your Pathfinders know how to execute eyes, right?
  6. Do flag bearers know how to execute eyes, right?
  7. Is your float ready?
  8. At the end of parade, Pathfinders are to go to assembly area, The US and Pathfinder Flag bearers are to take their flags behind their County Banner. (Staff to take Club Banner and other flags to booth)
 Pathfinder teen leaders/counselors should go to the end of the parade after marching with their club to march with the Teen Coordinators.

Directors Geoffrey & Vivian Smith
Azure Hills Church Pathfinders

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