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Camporee Information - Part 3

Dear pathfinders and parents,

What an experience!

This was everybody's first big camporee and it was quite the adventure. I have been to camporees, myself, as a pathfinder and teen counselor before. But this was my first as a director and it has been such a learning experience. I thank the Lord for keeping us all safe, for the good and the bad weather (remember, trials strengthen our faith muscles!), and for blessing us with reminders of His love and care.

My thanks and appreciation to the following groups of of people: (i will not mention names because i might forget someone)

My deputy directors: thank you for all the time and hard work you put into the planning and implementation of the plans and improvising as needed. You are such an awesome group of people to work with. Thanks for taking the time to do this with our pathfinders.

The parent counselors who either camped with us or came back everyday (and walked miles to get to our campsitie): thank you for taking time off to be with our pathfinders as they went around from line to line ... from activity to activity. Thank you to those of you who brought some of the food we couldn't fit in our bins and coolers on the initial packing day. Thank you also for helping in the kitchen even after the long days of walking around the camp with the kids. Thank you also for braving the early hour and the morning cold to help with breakfast preparation. Thank you also to all the dad's who put their heads and hands together to come up with our "one of a kind shower facility". Most of the campers actually took showers and it was a fun experience.

The Pathfinders: i am so proud of all of you. You are learning to listen to and follow instructions. You cleaned your tents when told to, you ate the required veggies and fruiis even if you didn't want to, and you learned to work together as units. Your smiles despite the long waits for the fun activities and your willingness to try even the "boring" honors tell me that you are growing up and learning to "deal with it". I am thankful to our big boys (the Condors and the Blue-footed Boobies) for stepping up and helping out with the fetching of water for washing and showering and for hauling the "gray water" to the disposal area. Thanks to all the pathfinders who helped throw out trash and helped with meals. I am especially proud of a couple pathfinders who gave up their spots in the archery honor so a couple others could do it.

The the parents, grandparents, and pathfinders who came on Sabbath: i am glad you got to attend the Sabbath service with us and got to hear God's message through Pastor Rojas. Also, you were there at just the right tme to help break camp and pack up when we decided to leave before the rains started. Thanks to those of you who helped empty the trailer and put things away in the pathfinder room. The Lord's timing is always perfect. I went back to Glen Helen today to officially check out our club and it is so nice to be done and not have to dry out our tents and equipment!

The Adventurer kids who came with their pathfinder siblings: Your smiles and enthusiasm were energizing. Some of you even helped serve during meals ... you are almost pathfinders!

And not to forget: Pastor Brunt, Pastor Jared -- thank you for visiting us on Thursday. Thank you for bringing Pastor Dante's greetings and for showing the church's support of our Pathfinders.

Pastor Dante: Please get well soon!

Pastor Choi: Thank you for being our part time resident pastor during the camporee (and for manning the tortilla station!)

See you all @ the Wednesday meeting this week! (April 4th at 6:30 pm). The luggage and lost and found items can be picked up then. If you need them today, please text me @ 909-518-6782

Director Mike

Azure Hills Pathfinders

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